Connecting silos of information to strengthen patient relationships, limit errors, and reduce cost.

Patient Transfer
For medical, insurance, or capacity reasons, you need a comprehensive software solution to streamline and track the sequence of communications needed to facilitate a transfer. LVM provides a Patient Transfer and Communication Portal. It supports the array of transfer processes to manage the activities and communications critical to this patient acquisition function. Whether the transfer is from a sending facility/physician to an accepting facility/physician or within your hospital, LVM’s Patient Transfer tool improves call flow while tracking the numerous and customizable data points needed to deliver efficient, timely transfers.
Nurse Triage
LVM’s Nurse Triage solution has many features to make nurses’ lives easier. These include shortcuts to frequently used guidelines, customizable views, EHR and telephony integrations, and acuity-based queuing capabilities. Also included are Schmitt/Thompson evidence-based clinical content, alerts to ensure a safer triaging practice, priority call queue ranking for efficiency and flexibility, and multi-channel messaging. In addition, the solution allows customizing the protocols to strengthen your organization’s mission. Finally, an integrated QI process supports individual call reviews and staff assessment.
Behavioral Health Intake & Assessment
LVM also offers a Behavioral Health Intake & Assessment solution. This tool tracks all aspects of the intake process, from services requested, to providers involved, to assessments needed. It provides a comprehensive blueprint of data points used during an intake call. In addition, LVM’s solution allows organizations to customize and fine-tune the workflow to meet their specific needs.
All data recorded, including insurance and all contacts associated with an intake and admit/discharge, is stored in reportable fields. Capturing the data ensures the complete intake process is documented and reportable in any way needed. Organizations can also interface the transaction’s history with their EHR. Like the Patient Communications Portal, LVM’s Behavioral Health Intake & Assessment can run as part of the overall LVM solution or as a stand-alone product.
Provider Referral
Aligning your callers' needs with the best provider is critical to expanding your patient base and heightening your perceived value. Patients and providers win if matched through the contact center with LVM's Provider Referral tool or via the web with our Patient Access self-service tool. These LVM solutions support patient-to-physician and physician-to-physician referral processes. If a referral is required post-triage, nurses and permitted staff can access comprehensive patient history to help find the provider best meeting the patient's needs.
Marketing Outreach
LVM's Marketing Outreach tools position your contact center as the communication and relationship management hub with your key constituents. The contact center staff can utilize the cross-marketing functionality, referral assistance, care coordination, or logistic connections at the patient's moment of need. The Marketing Outreach solution supports, manages, and tracks outbound calls, texts, and emails, including SMS-encrypted messages to patients. Extensive reporting, including trending reports, validates the productivity and value of each marketing campaign.
Complaint Tracking and Resolution
Your healthcare system can interactively test the caller/patient customer experience satisfaction using LVM's branching-logic surveys to create continuous improvement opportunities. The surveys track consumer concerns from initial complaints to resolution. Should a customer share a bad experience with the contact center staff, the tool can automatically forward the encounter summary to a manager for resolution. This tool also provides timely call-coaching opportunities for contact center staff.
Answering Service
When managing after-hours provider calls, LVM’s Answering Service solution enables the agent to page or text the provider directly from within the tool, tracking the time of the page and if the physician called back. In addition, it integrates with LVM’s on-call tool to schedule, identifying which provider is on call for a particular group and displaying specific instructions for each provider, such as their preferred method of contact. Finally, it includes a pager log of all calls. Attach the triage record directly to the answering service transaction for increased call-back efficiencies.
Class and Event Enrollment
LVM Systems’ class and event enrollment software fully integrates into a system-wide patient access focus. Efficiently manages class or event scheduling, registration, billing, payments, two-way communications, custom rosters, and reporting. Generates wait lists and sends pre and post-class/event secure emails. It also interfaces with multiple payment systems. In addition, the software supports web-based registrations and interfaces with LVM’s Chat system, supporting the communication preferences of many of today’s customers.
Population Health
Population Health requires collaboration among healthcare providers to identify care gaps and build on best practices to ensure high-quality, efficient healthcare. Using LVM’s many tools in a concerted effort enables your organization to address this critical area of healthcare by proactively and predictively reaching out and responding to patients according to their healthcare needs. For example, use LVM’s Medication Adherence tool to track added or discontinued medications, verify patient compliance regarding their prescribed medications, request a prescription if the nurse has the appropriate orders, and review prominently displayed allergies and alerts. In addition, LVM's solution also supports screening reminders.
Disease Management
Manage the health of patients with one or more chronic diseases with LVM’s Disease Management solution to help prevent or minimize the effects of their disease. When designed correctly, Disease Management programs improve patient self-management, contain costs without sacrificing quality or patient satisfaction, and enhance efforts to provide health improvement programs on a population basis. LVM’s solution provides a blueprint supporting diagnoses such as CHF, COPD, Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, and Asthma. The disease management team can also use LVM’s Medication Adherence tool to help avoid errors.
Care Coordination
Our Care Coordination tool improves quality and patient experience by coordinating hospital care. LVM's Care Coordination solution includes identifying and engaging high-risk individuals, providing a comprehensive assessment, creating an individual care plan, engaging in patient education, and coordinating needed services. The LVM solution automates the series of interventions comprising a successful program and supports communications with all stakeholders. It also includes the ability to build comprehensive care plans and proactive patient management for readmission prevention, disease management, and discharge care coordination.
Guest Access
LVM’s Guest Access enables your contact center to provide approved internal staff and external organizations limited access to the LVM Contact Center solution from remote locations via the web. With this solution, the contact center staff no longer needs to handle changes to approved organizations’ physicians. With it, you can off-load maintaining class profiles and membership lists, printing and sending rosters, attendee screenings, or statistical reporting. Each Guest Access user receives rights only to specific reports with pre-defined criteria. The solution also includes customizable dashboard reports.
Desktop Based
The Desktop version enables staff to conduct Nurse Triage, Patient Transfer, Health Information, Behavioral Health Intake & Assessment, Physician Referral and Appointment, Class and Event Enrollment, Literature Requests, and numerous database management functions. It offers many options for system administrators to customize the software. In addition, development customizations are available to meet unique client requests to address your organization-specific business opportunities.
Relationship Management
The Relationship Management components of LVM's solution use operational CRM strategies to improve customer acquisition, retention, and follow-up. Loading targeted EHR data into the software enables you to mine your transactional and demographic databases to identify potentially strong candidates for appropriate programs and services. In addition, LVM's solutions include a unique cross-marketing feature, which allows contact center staff to identify related offerings of interest to the customer based on their sex, age, past interactions with your organization, etc. enhancing the ROI potential of the customer. Marketing campaigns can include automated emails, texts, letters, or Group Texting specifically targeted to the information your customers need.
Web Based
The Web version provides a lightweight, secure, and convenient way to handle day-to-day contact center activities using customizable, unique workflows. Accessible on a secure internet connection via a web browser, triage nurses and contact center staff can also field requests for Triage, Patient Transfer, Health Information, Physician Referral and Appointment, Class Registration, Literature Requests, and many other interactional functions.
LVM Chat adds another form of communication for your customers and patients. It helps improve and increase customer access by allowing the customer to interact digitally with contact center representatives. The Chat solution allows initial contact by an automated bot to channel the external contact to the appropriate resources. Interactive Chat provides easy and convenient access to the facility by allowing customers and the call center staff to chat while performing other tasks. In addition, intelligent surveys with Chat provide questions and answers to contacts to drive interactions.
Patient Access
Patient Access enables your organization to establish a real-time, web-based, self-service area. Here, consumers can select providers, take surveys, register and pay for classes online, and obtain health information without taking the time to call or chat with the contact center. It provides real-time push/pull of reportable data to create reports that help you increase customer loyalty and show bottom-line impact. In addition, by implementing Patient Access, you reach a broader, potentially untapped market. LVM’s web designers can customize the Patient Access pages to fit the look and feel of your organization’s existing website.
Schmitt-Thompson Clinical Content
The Schmitt-Thompson Triage Guidelines and Clinical Content are developed and updated following the preferred method of Clinical Content Development. Their triage guidelines are the industry's Gold Standard. Assisting Dr. Barton Schmitt and Dr. David Thompson is a team of triage nurses, specialty nurses, contact center medical directors, primary care physicians, emergency medicine physicians, and physician specialists.
Smart Surveys
Configure surveys to work for you. Whether you are looking for clinical surveys, marketing surveys, surveys for health risk assessments, or satisfaction surveys, surveys can meet your data collection needs. Create powerful and robust surveys customers can complete online or use to guide contact center representatives with questions for targeted audiences. Enhance the surveys to meet your needs by adding jump logic to target specific questions. Use survey reporting for displaying and stratifying results.
Secure Messaging
LVM software allows you to send many messages, including text, email, and fax. LVM also offers a quick and easy solution to send a secure message with LVM secure messaging. Using secure messaging, contact center staff can send any message to any recipient. After sending the initial message, a second message is sent via a text or email, letting the individual know they have a secure message waiting for them. To view the message securely through a TLS encrypted channel, the recipient clicks the link and enters their last name and the challenge word you provided. It’s quick, easy to use, and secure. In addition, LVM hosts this secure processor in a Microsoft Azure-hosted environment, so you can rest assured that the hosting facility is also secure.
Ad-hoc Analytics
LVM One Report Discoveries (Ad-hoc reporting) allow you to identify and select fields to pull into custom reports quickly. For example, discoveries allow you to report data for a given period and compare period over period. With this tool, you can create reports within an intuitive interface that does not require SQL or other programming-type knowledge. After completing a report, you can save it, add it to your favorites, create a PDF, export data to Excel, and send the report via email. Year-over-year reporting is also available with any criteria, as well as report automation.
Azure Hosted
If your organization has concerns about managing its contact center software in-house, LVM has a solution. LVM selected Microsoft Azure as our hosting partner to provide superior cloud services. Azure offers industry-leading hosting services with over 90 concurrent compliance offerings. In addition, by utilizing Availability Zones in Azure, LVM can provide an optional second level of redundancy as needed. This arrangement offers a secondary fail-over site should a natural disaster disable the primary site. Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines SLA is 99.9% uptime. Microsoft Azure SQL Database SLA is 99.99% uptime.